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May you have as much fun as I am!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Web 2.0

I was delighted to participate in this discovery process. I learned a lot about the new technologies. And as promised, there was play. It was fun. I need to go back and do more. Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about WEB 2.0.


Yes, I was able to learn about Overdrive and successfully download an audiobook to my library account.
The excerpt from Fahrenheit 451 reminded me of Read Together Palm Beach County. I also listened to an excerpt from Hurricane Punch by Tim Dorsey. I discovered that all of the excerpts are 2 minutes long. In Overdrive, the
searching of titles was straight forward. There are lots to choose from. This was brand new to me and I was delighted to discover it.


Downloadable Audio files:
I found it more difficult to find exactly what you want in searching these sources for podcasts. The Library of Congress Podcasts included the 2008 National Book Festival in Washington D.C. It had authors speaking about their books. Most were long, so couldn't listen to them. Also, in Podcast Alley I saw the Kankakee Public library in Illinois and the Seattle Public Library in Washington. At the SPL, the teen librarian spoke about books and had staff do audio book reviews for the teens to listen. Clicking on titles brought you to the catalog where you find or reserve the book. And what about that Superpatron--the Friends of the Library!

Video Sharing Sites

I made it to week 9.
On YouTube I checked out a couple of salsa dance videos. There are many; among them are: Anyone Can Dance Salsa, and Addicted 2)Salsa. This morning there is a video on the PBCLS web site featuring the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Hagen Ranch Road Branch Library. See pictures of the magician's performance on Saturday, as well as a view of the Tuna de West Palm Beach. Yea for the new HRR Branch!

Monday, July 7, 2008

WEB 2.0 TOOLS--Week 8

I chose to explore "Im Cooked", the winner for the food category among the award winning tools. People can film and share recipes. I viewed how to cook Thai beer fried onion rings and a classic fondu recipe. The videos were good quality. You may choose a channel, which are categories of food. For example, seafood, holidays, vegetables, etc. The site also offers written recipes, friends, a page to mark your favorites and find others who share your tastes. There are tips for filming an sharing videos, too.

Zoho Writer--Week 8

Happy to learn that here is spellcheck again!  Not sure I really understand how this works yet, there is so much to explore.  kiss Look at all the smiley faces available.  I wondered where people found them. 

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I managed to add my blog url to the wiki page. Not sure if my picture is ok.
Wiki's will take a bit more practice.